Thursday, February 6, 2020

Personal Wildly Important Goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal Wildly Important Goal - Essay Example According to the study  the team should spend time in discussing the goals. When they talk about them every day, they will have mutual accountabilities towards achieving them. This means that they must be too sure of the goals. This calls for both vertical and horizontal communication among the team members. The team members should be aware of the key measures of success. There is a need for feedback. It is important to let the workers know when they do right. This will be an incentive to the team. However, it is hard to measure how much people are trying. Customer feedback is also important. It gives the organization a sense of evaluating whether it has achieved the goals or not. To achieve set goals and estimated results within the set constraints of time and budget, a manager uses a project. This implies that project management is very crucial in achieving the goals of the firm. All goals should be clearly stated In conclusion, project management is very important in achieving o rganization’s goals. It helps the team to define the most important goals and this result in the achievement of the firm’s strategic plans.

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